Recently, GoodRx, Inc. reported that “Several times a year, GoodRx creates a list of the most-dispensed prescriptions in the U.S. To form our list, we look at a sample of claims as reported by pharmacies across the country. We combine prescriptions for brands and generics; we also display the GoodRx Fair Price for the most common form, dosage and quantity.” The number 1 category of drugs dispensed? Opioid/Acetaminophen combinations.
Given FDA’s abuse deterrent initiatives, this was surprising news. Of course, the GoodRx method involved sampling, but did combine both brand and generics. In seeking a comparator we located “Generic Drug Report 2016”, in the February edition of Drug Store News. According to this report (generics only, based on 2015 data; see page 12), opioid/acetaminophen combinations were the second most dispensed prescription drug at 105,748,000 total prescriptions, down 19.9% from the year before. While our comparator included generic prescriptions only, no matter how you look at it, these are still exceptionally high numbers.
To access FDA’s most recent statements on the development of abuse deterrent drugs, click on this news item FDA Encourages Development of Abuse-Deterrent (AD) Generic Opioids or simply contact us to arrange a meeting with FDA.